Branch Manager, Pam Vroman has recently celebrated 9 years with DML, and has 20+ years of industry knowledge. She is passionate about educating new buyers on the home buying process, while personalizing the experience for their specific needs. Pam especially enjoys helping homeowners maximize their investment potential through real estate.

In the past year, Pam and her family have welcomed a new Labradoodle puppy, Prince, and baby girl, Santana. While her family may have grown, Pam has not skipped a beat. She has been recognized as a Scotsman Guide Top Originator, NAMMBA Top 100 and DML Partner’s Club member.

In her spare time, she enjoys giving back to Love & Lunches, a non-profit that delivers lunches to the Hopeful in Baltimore City.

Pam – Continue to keep your heels, head, and standards high. Thank you for the contributions you’ve provided to DML over the years. We’re excited to watch you continue to crush it and grow your team!